Available Jobs:
All jobs target individuals who are highly creative and innovative in one or more of the below domains and who can bring unique and competitive ideas to the table.
Machine Learning Developers: Ideally, having experience implementing Neural Networks with any of the following technologies: Tensor Flow, Google ML Engine, AML, Accord.Net, Apache Mahoot, Shogun, Apache Singa, Apache Spark, PyTorch, or other competitive technologies. Familiarity with Algorithm Shift and ML Bias is desirable.
Altcoin Developers: Cryptocurrency development (C++) and security.​
Blockchain Developers: Desired skills include those related to Smart Contracts, Cryptography, Blockchain Architecture, Data Structures, Web Development, and Consensus Protocols. Also desirable is an understanding of Sharding and Forkless Upgrades in a Blockchain Context..
Crypto & Financial Exchange Experts and Developers
Executive: This role targets individuals who have made a known contribution to any of the above domains.
Mathematician and/or Theoretical Physicist
If interested, please provide a description of your background and/or resume, to the below email address: